Water Regulation


Several agencies are responsible for regulating water resources in Comal County, ensuring that the water supply remains safe, sustainable, and accessible for all residents. These agencies also play crucial roles in managing water availability, a critical aspect given the growing population and varying climate conditions in the region.

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)

Responsibilities: TCEQ is the primary state agency overseeing water quality and environmental protection in Texas. It regulates water treatment plants, monitors water quality, and enforces environmental laws to protect water resources.

Water Availability: TCEQ assesses water availability and manages water rights to ensure fair distribution and sustainable use. It issues permits for surface water withdrawals and monitors groundwater levels to prevent over-extraction.

Website: TCEQ

Edwards Aquifer Authority (EAA)

Responsibilities: The EAA specifically manages the Edwards Aquifer, which is a critical water source for Comal County. The authority implements measures to conserve and protect the aquifer, including permitting, compliance, and scientific research.

Water Availability: The EAA monitors aquifer levels, recharge rates, and spring flows. It enforces pumping limits to maintain sustainable groundwater levels and protect spring flows that contribute to the surface water system.

Website: EAA

Comal County Water Improvement Districts

Responsibilities: Various water improvement districts within Comal County manage local water supply and wastewater services. These districts play a key role in ensuring efficient water distribution and management at the community level.

Water Availability: These districts monitor local water demand and availability, implement conservation programs, and develop infrastructure to ensure reliable water supply for residential and commercial use.

Texas Water Development Board (TWDB)

Responsibilities: The TWDB supports water planning and financing water-related projects across the state. It helps local governments and water districts in Comal County with planning and funding for water infrastructure projects.

Water Availability: TWDB conducts comprehensive water planning, including the development of state and regional water plans. These plans assess future water needs, identify potential shortages, and propose strategies to ensure long-term water availability.

Website: TWDB

Comal Trinity Groundwater Conservation District

Responsibilities: This district manages groundwater resources in Comal County to ensure their sustainability and quality.

Water Availability: The district monitors groundwater levels, manages withdrawals, and promotes conservation practices to maintain the availability of groundwater for various uses.

Website: Comal Trinity Groundwater Conservation District

Local Governments and Municipalities

Responsibilities: Local governments and municipalities in Comal County also have roles in regulating and managing water resources. They ensure that local water systems comply with state and federal regulations, maintain infrastructure, and provide public education on water conservation.

Water Availability: Municipalities manage local water supply systems, monitor water usage, and implement conservation measures during droughts or periods of high demand.

Photography Credits – Banner: Tom Hornseth,